Juvenile Zigzag Heron spotted in a new location

[Our internet access has been limited since we've minimized expenses, so our updates may post asynchronously.]

Update: May 12, 2021

Remember how excited we were earlier this year that once again we found the poorly known and rare Zigzag Heron (Zebrilus undulatus) nesting at the Tapiche Jungle Reserve in the northern Amazon of Peru? You can find photos of the Zigzag Heron on the nest with its two chicks and a video link to our YouTube channel in our update from April 19, 2021 and on our blog.

A few weeks later, in a very different area of the reserve, we stumbled upon a juvenile Zigzag Heron foraging in the low branches of a creek. We were able to observe it from the canoe for about half an hour while the Zigzag Heron almost seemed to be enjoying the photo session, presenting its distinguished body and plumage from every possible side. The juvenile has different patterning and warmer colored plumage than the adult Zigzag Herons. We are happy that we found this juvenile Zigzag, as perhaps there was a Zigzag Heron nesting in that area of the reserve.

As if all its posing for the camera was not enough, the Zigzag Heron even began to sing. Check out the video: https://youtu.be/Rqh_MFarwnY

It makes us proud that in 2021 again, we were able to observe ZigZags in different phases of life in a totally separate area of the reserve. It appears that we have several Zigzag Herons nesting around the Tapiche Reserve and on both sides of the Tapiche river.

Come visit the Tapiche Reserve to witness this rare bird in person! If travel isn’t in your future, you can still make a big difference by supporting our conservation work with a donation to our GoFundMe Tapiche Jungle Wildlife Protection Fund

Thanks and sending jungle love and greetings to all!